Second Opinions For Children

Dr. Slosar provides professional second opinions for psychological evaluations.
Call (949) 851-8277[email protected]

Dr. J. R. Slosar provides second opinions to families so they know their child’s mental health plan is on the right course.

Dr. Slosar can review your child’s psychological diagnosis and treatment plans, including if there are any diagnostic dilemmas or treatment particulars.


Get all the school resources you deserve.

Many parents seek help with their child’s IEPs. Dr. Slosar has consulted and worked with school officials and parents on IEP teams/difficult cases.

Public Law 94-142, known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) of 1975, is the landmark federal legislation that guarantees “free, appropriate public education” to all children and young adults aged 3–21.

The law passed to meet four huge goals:

  1. To ensure that special education services are available to children who need them
  2. To guarantee that decisions about services to students with disabilities are fair and appropriate
  3. To establish specific management and auditing requirements for special education
  4. To provide federal funds to help the states educate students with disabilities


“An Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan or program developed to ensure that a child who has learning, social or emotional problems identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary school receives specialized instruction and related educational or psychological services.”